๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช Electives/Training for medical students in Germany: It is not easy, but possible

During medical schoool, if you want to do an elective (= training in a German hospital), then this is certainly possible.

โ€ข Where?

The university hospitals accept international students. Simply send your application to the secretaries of the departements you want to do electives in.

โ€ข How can find which university hospitals are there?

You can find an explanation about the university hospitals in Germany and a list of them here: https://facharztJETZT.de/unikliniken-university-hospitals-in-germany/

โ€ข Should I speak German to be accepted?

No! But it would certainly help your application and would certainly help you to understand what is being explaiend. Medicine in Germany is taught in German. Our recommendation: Learn German until at least A2-level.

โ€ข What helps me to be accepted?

  • A good motivational letters (๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช das Motviationsschreiben). If you cannot speak German or you speak bad German, write it in English.
  • Connections: Try to meet a German doctor/professor during a medical event for example in your home country and ask him to come to them. Or simply find a doctor who works in the university hospital you want to apply for.
  • Send you application to as many university hosptials as possible. But be careful: Your motivational letter would look a lot much better when show that your read about the university and about the deparatment you applied for.

โ€ข Big mistakes in the application:

Applying in “too many” departements in one hospital, especially.

โ€ข Do you have an addition?

Others would probably be happy to learn from your experience.

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