• MKG is an unusual specialty
This specialty is particular in Germany because this is the only specialty in which doctors need to finish another bachelor degree in order to specialize in it.
• You need to finish bachelor degrees in two specialties
• Medicine
The duration depends on where you studied medicine.
If you studied in Germany | If you studied outside of Germany |
The duration of medical studies in Germany is 5 years. You need to finish the internship year too (1 year). Only after doing the exam after the internship year (called the M3 exam), you are a fully licensed doctor in Germany. So, in total, you need 6 years. Details about studying medicine in Germany are in this article: “🇩🇪 Stages to become a medical doctor and specialist in Germany“ | To study medicine, 5 or 6 years, this is not important. What is important is that you did an internship year after that and got a permanent medical license. For more details: “The internship year (🇩🇪 das Praktische Jahr – PJ) is a must to be able to work in Germany. 100% sure! No exceptions!)“ |
• Dentistry
The duration of study is 5 years.
• What do you do after fulfilling the above criteria?
You can now begin the medical residency in this specialty (🇩🇪 die Facharztausibldung).
• Residency in MKG
• Duration
The duration of the residency (🇩🇪 die Facharztausbildung) then is 5 years.
• What is done exatcly through the residency period?
You can find this through the logbook of this specialty. What is this and how to find it is explaiend in this article:
• To learn more or for questions, join its groups
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Yes, too many years 😅 You have a nice blog 🙂