Call landline and phone numbers worldwide with a low cost

• Introduction

To make job applications or ask for a Hospitation, you can call before and after sending your application. We explained this in the article about applying for medical training (🇩🇪 eine Hospitation):

But is there a way to call landline and phone numbers worldwide at a low cost?

• Calling European numbers using VoIP apps

Link in Google Playstore

There are apps and websites that allow you to call phone numbers around the world at a low cost. One of them is the above (MobileVoIP). I used it and it worked well. To use it, you should make an account on websites that offer calling services. I used one called Revoice. The prices for calling depend on which country is your mobile phone number from. For example, if you want to call German numbers and you have an Indian number:

Source: Rebvoice

I do not know if the quality of calls is always good. Maybe you can try it. Please write a comment of your experience.

Or do you have other alternatives? Skype perhaps?

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