• What is Goethe institute?
The Goethe-Institut is a non-profit German cultural association that promotes the study of the German language and fosters international cultural exchange. It was founded in 1951.

• Who was Goethe?
Goethe Institute was named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the most famous German writer, poet, and philosopher (1749-1832).

• Where are there Goethe institutes in the world?
The Goethe-Institut was in May 2023 in 159 locations in 98 countries around the world. That included major cities such as New York, London, Tokyo, and Beijing. In some countries, there are more than one center.
You can find all of their institutes in this link.
• What do the Goethe institutes offer?
The organization offers German language courses, organized cultural events such as film screenings, concerts, and exhibitions. Moreover, it offers information about the life in Germany.
The Goethe-Institut also supports partnerships between German and international cultural institutions, facilitates artist residencies and exchanges, and provides resources for German language teachers and learners. It aims to promote intercultural dialogue and understanding through its activities and programs.
• You should try to learn German in a Goethe institute
• You get a chance to learn about the German culture
• They usually have native language speakers as teachers
• It makes it easier for you to pass their exams: They will teach you what is being tested in their exams. Moreover, you will know the teachers, who will be testing you.
• The language certificate from Goethe institute is recognized everywhere in the world. Later on, for example, if you want to apply for a medical license in Switzerland, they recognize your certificate (the steps for that are here). Nonetheless, certificates from other institutes are also recognized (like Telc institute).
Yes, you can get a Goethe certificate if you did not study German in one of their institutes.
• Official example B2 exam of Goethe institute
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