Duration of the residency programs in Germany (die Dauer der Facharztausbildung)

The duration of each medical specialty in Germany differs from the others. In this article, we summarize that. The numbers are official. These numbers could be read from the following official German document from the German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer):

🇺🇸 (Model-)training regulations

The most recent version is from 2018. You can download it from this link.

More explanation about these regulations is in this article: “The Logbook (🇩🇪 das Logbuch): Content of each medical residency (🇩🇪 die Facharztausbildung)

The duration for each specialty in Germany is in the table below. We have interactive Facebook and Telegram groups for every medical specialty in Germany. The links are also in the table. You can join all Telegram groups of all specialties through the following link.

(in years)


💊 Allgemeinchirurgie (General Surgery)6LinkLink
💊 Allgemeinmedizin (Family Medicine)5LinkLink
💊 Anästhesiologie (Anesthesiology)5LinkLink
💊 Arbeitsmedizin (Occupational Medicine)5LinkLink
💊 Augenheilkunde (Ophthalmology)5LinkLink
💊 Dermatologie (Dermatology)5LinkLink
💊 Forensische Psychiatrie (Forensic Psychiatry)2 (after psychiatry specialty)LinkLink
💊 Gefäßchirurgie (Vascular Surgery)6LinkLink
💊 Geriatrie (Geriatrics) (as subspecialty)1,5LinkLink
💊 Gynäkologie, Frauenheilkunde & Geburtshilfe
(Obstetrics & Gynecology) (OBGYN)
💊 Herzchirurgie (Heart Surgery)6LinkLink
💊 HNO (Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde)
Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT)
💊 Humangenetik (Human Genetics)5LinkLink
💊 Hygiene und Umweltmedizin
(Hygiene and Environmental Medicine)
💊 Innere Medizin (Internal Medicine)5LinkLink
💊 Internal medicine subspecialties
(like cardiology, gastroenterology):
– If you do them from the beginning of residency, 1 year
– If not: 2 years
💊 Kinder- und Jugendchirurgie
(Child and Adolescent Surgery)
💊 Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie (KJPP)
(Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
5 (separate specialty)LinkLink
💊 Klinische Pharmakologie (Clinical Pharmacology)5LinkLink
💊 Laboratoriumsmedizin (Lab Medicine)5LinkLink
💊 Mikrobiologie, Virologie & Infektionsepidemiologie
(Microbiology, Virology, and Infections Epidemiology)
💊 MKG (Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie)
(Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
Bachelor in Dentistry: 5
Bachelor in Medicine: 5-6
Residency: 5 years
Total: At least 15 years
💊 Neonatologie (Neonatology)2 (after pediatrics)LinkLink
💊 Neurochirurgie (Neurosurgery)6LinkLink
💊 Neurologie (Neurology)5LinkLink
💊 Neurointensiv (Neurocritical care)2 (after neurology or
💊 Neuropädiatrie (Neuropediatrics)2 (after pediatrics)LinkLink
💊 Neuroradiologie (Neuroradiology)2 (after radiology)LinkLink
💊 Notfallmedizin (Emergency medicine)Only courses +
clinical experience*
💊 Nuklearmedizin (Nuclear Medicine)5LinkLink
💊 Orthopädie & Unfallchirurgie (Orthopedics)6LinkLink
💊 Palliativmedizin (Palliative Care)CoursesLinkLink
💊 Pathologie (Pathology)6LinkLink
💊 Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
(Pharmacology & Toxicology)
💊 Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin
(Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine)
💊 Plastische und ästhetische Chirurgie
(Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery)
💊 Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
(Psychiatry & Psychotherapy)
💊 Psychosomatische Medizin & Psychotherapie
(Psychosomatic Medicine & Psychotherapy)
💊 Pädiatrie (Kinderheilkunde) (Pediatrics)5LinkLink
💊 Radiologie und Neuroradiologie (Radiology)5LinkLink
💊 Rechtsmedizin (Forensic Medicine)5LinkLink
💊 Schmerztherapie (Pain Medicine)1Link
💊 Sportmedizin (Sport Medicine)CoursesLink
💊 Strahlentherapie (Radiotherapy)5LinkLink
💊 Thoraxchirurgie (Thoracic Surgery)6LinkLink
💊 Transfusionsmedizin (Transfusion Medicine)5LinkLink
💊 Urologie (Urology)5Link Link
💊 Viszeralchirurgie (Visceral Surgery)6Link Link
Table 1: Durations of medical residencies in Germany

For almost all medical specialties in Germany, there is a medical society. More details here: Article.

Very important note:

The above durations do not mean you will surely finish the residency in the given period. In the above article about the log book (link here again), we explained that there are certain things to be done and learned for each specialty. So, if you did not do them, your residency will continue indefinitely (or you have a nice head of department!). Moreover, some delays could result because you need to do rotations (sometimes needing to change the hospital and find a new position). But do not be afraid. With good planning and good connections, many finish the residency on time. To finish on time, you can read this article to avoid common mistakes: link.

* There is no specialty for emergency medicine. Doctors of many specialties need a certain course (about 90 hours of teaching for 1 Week), learn a few procedures (like intubation, chest tube insertion, etc.), and be present in about 50 drives with a licensed emergency physician. Then they will get this certificate. Wikipedia article in German about emergency medicine in Germany: link.

Want to learn more? Questions?
Join JETZT (🇺🇸 now) all of our groups & ask what you like
(On mobile phone: The links are at the end of this page/ On PC: On the right side)

Further readings:
•”A Guide to Medical Residency in Germany for Foreigners – Medical courses after MBBS without NEET- PG”, link.


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