For Jordanian & Mexican doctors: “Specialized!” medical doctor program – Get help in everything!

Introduction to “specialized”

The Agency for Employment (🇩🇪 die Agentur für Arbeit) (a governmental agency for employment in Germany) helps Jordanian and Mexican doctors in everything so that they can begin working and “specializing” (🇩🇪 die Facharztausbildung) in Germany. They help with the application process for the medical license, visa, recognition of the medical studies, learning language, training in hospitals and finding a job. I think that one get paid a little amount of money too. This is great!

The program is called “specialized“.

• The conditions for application

  • Mexican or Jordanian citizenship
  • Main residence in Mexico or Jordan
  • Academic qualification in medicine from Mexico or Jordan
  • Professional license in the country of study
  • German language skills at a minimum of B1 level to start the advisory/guidance process
  • German language skills at a minimum of B2 level to approach potential employers
  • Desire to train as a medical specialist in Germany
  • Willingness to live and work in Germany
  • Sufficient financial reserves to fund the recognition process and entry into Germany

• More information and contact details

• Explanation in English: Link

• Explanation in German: Link

• Explanation in Spanish: Link

• Explanation in Arabic: Link

You can email the following address. Before it, they wrote:

Are you interested in the “Specialized!” program and could you imagine living and working in Germany? Then we look forward to hearing from you. 

• “It is better to remain silent and appear stupid than…

Before sending the email, our website contains all information regarding the steps, required documents, exams, visa, and everything you can imagine. If I were at your place, I would first read at least the essential articles before sending my email. The employees usually do not have a lot of time and if they did not like your emails (because they show that you know nothing about Germany!), then I think it would not be a nice thing.

“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt-“

Proverb, author not really known 🫠

Before our website, no one could have explained it to you in one place and in such easy language. Now, we do:

Foreign doctors in Germany: How to begin a medical residency

• If you read anything you did not understand?

Again, save contacting the authority for very important questions. Ask your question first in our main groups and see if you get help. It is free!

• No help for other nationalities?

I do not know why the two above countries were chosen. But foreign doctors from other nationalities can also profit from the “Agentur für Arbeit”. They could get funding for their courses. Details here:

Funding to foreign doctors: For free

• Your experience?

Did you know about this program? Please share your experience.

Do not forget to share this article! A friend of you might profit from that 🤗🫂

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