• Introduction
In this article, we collect the names and websites of hospitals known to offer Hospitation for foreign doctors. A Hospitation is a German word and means a period of training in a hospital for medical graduates or medical students. It could be for one day or up to months. All details about what a Hospitation is and how to apply for one are in the following articles:
🇩🇪 What is Hospitation? (🇺🇸 medical training/observership/clinical attachment)
That being said, we write again that having connections can save you a lot of time, effort, stress, and money. If you know a doctor in Germany or were able to know one through our community of Facharzt JETZT, then this will help you quickly get a Hospitation. Read this article for more details:
🇩🇪 How to make connections through our community “Facharzt JETZT”? Get a training or even a job!

• General notes
There are more than 1900 hospitals in Germany. Not all hospitals give Hospitation for foreign doctors.
Generally speaking, for medical students, university hospitals are welcoming. Here is a list of them:
• Hospitals “very likely” to give Hospitation for foreign doctors
The following hospitals are known particularly to be welcoming for foreign hospitals. So, if you are a deep need of a Hospitation, send your application to them:
Name of the hospital | State | Notes |
St. Anna Hospital Herne | North Rhine-Westphalia | They have simultaneously ca. 30 foreign doctors in Hospitation, mostly in orthopedics. They usually offer food and accommodation plus German courses. |
Celenus Klinik für Neurologie Hilchenbach | North Rhine-Westphalia | Only Neurology. Rehabilitation hospital but very large. |
St. Elisabeth Hospital Iserlohn | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hagen-Haspe | North Rhine-Westphalia |
• Hospitals “likely” to give Hospitation for foreign doctors
The list of hospitals giving Hospitation for foreign doctors needs continuous updates and is still small. Can you help your colleagues with the names of hospitals? Please write a comment below.
If you have the slightest doubt about a certain point or do not understand any information, ask at any time in the main group of our community “Facharzt JETZT” on Facebook and Telegram (groups will appear as a folder). We remind you that this article is a guidance article to help you understand things and you should not rely solely on it. You should always return to the official websites. 😊
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