Doctors in Germany: Find job offers & apply intelligently

Doctors in Germany: Find job offers & apply intelligently

• Introduction to find job

Find job offers & apply intelligently, applying for a job is step number 10 of the 10 steps to start a medical residency in Germany. Applying for a job is an easy task nowadays because most applications could be sent by email. Nonetheless, you should be careful what you send and how you apply. In this article, we give our tips for a successful application. 💪

• Finding job offers

• Jobs search engines

There are many websites that collect job ads. Exampls are Kimeta, Indeed, PraktischArzt, Website of the Journal of the German Medical Association (Deutsches Ärzteblatt). Kimeta and Indeed allow you to create email alerts so that you get notified when a new job position meeting your search criteria is published. You can also search for jobs in certain cities or within a certain radius of a certain location.

• Websites of the hospitals themselves

Sometimes, the above search engines do not contain new job offers. Other times, some hospitals are always in search for doctors and the have an ad fixed in their websites since months. The job search engines might no longer show such job ads. So, if you are interested to find a job in a certain region/hospital, simply locate the hospitals there and visit their websites. We exaplined an easy method to find hospitals here: link.

• Connections to find job

Sometimes, doctors working in hospitals know in advance, if a job would be in the next months free, or if a doctor suddenly resigned. When they tell you that, then you can quickly apply for the job.

Proverb about the importance of being early 🕐

See here how to make connections onlin easily: “🇩🇪 How to make connetions through our community “Facharzt JETZT”? Get a training or even a job!

• Websites of German medical societies

So if you do not know what this is, you can read it here: link.

• First impressions last long

The first thing that the heads of departments (🇩🇪 die Chefärzte/die Chefärztinnen) will read from you is most probably the email that you send. So be careful that this email is:

  • Without language mistakes
  • You wrote correctly the name of the head of the department 😅
  • Including all the documents needed usually for the application
  • It has an interesting subject. So sometimes, there are many applicants and some emails might be overseen. Interesting subjects are for example: “Bewerber mit Approbation”, “Bewerber mit dreijähriger Erfahrung in der Inneren Medizin”, “Bewerber kurz vor der Facharztprüfung”, u. a.

• Template for the text of the email to Find job

Sehr geehrte Frau Professorin XXX/Sehr geehrter Herr Professor XXX,

ich heiße XXX, bin XXX Jahre alt, komme aus XXX, bin in Deutschland seit knapp drei Jahren und habe die deutsche Approbation und das C1-Niveau in der deutschen Sprache. Ferner habe ich hier in Deutschland eine berufliche Erfahrung von mehr als 2Jahren.

Hiermit bewerbe ich mich für das neurologische Jahr bei Ihnen zum 01.08. oder 01.09.2023/ zumnächsten möglichen Zeitpunkt

Ein Motivationsschreiben und meine Bewerbungsunterlagen können Sie im Anhang finden.

Auf ein Vorstellungsgespäch würde ich mich freuen.

Beste Wünsche aus XXX


If you are not simply applying for a job, then write exactly what you want. For example, in some German states, you should firstly secure a job offer (🇩🇪 eine Einstellungszusage) to be able to apply for the permanent medical license (🇩🇪 die Approbation). So, write this shortly in the email and in the motivational letter. For example:

Ich möchte zuerst hospitieren, danach meinen Antrag auf die Approbation stellen, dann sobald mir eine Beruferlaubnis erteilt wird möchte ich gerne damit arbeiten und am Ende (wenn die Approbation erteilt werde), voll eingesetzt und eingeplant werde.

• Write a strong motivational letter to find job

A motivational letter (🇩🇪 das Motivatiosnschreiben) to find a job is a very good chance for you to present yourself and your capabilities. So invest good time in it 🧠

Here are free templates:

• Documents for the application (die Bewerbungsunterlagen)

We suggest attaching the following documents to your email:

Anhang: Lebenslauf, deutsche Approbation, Approbation vom Heimatland, das Zeugnis meines praktischen Jahres, Universitätszeugnisse, Goethe-C1-Zertifikat, Telc B2-C1 Medizin Zertifikat, Arbeitszeugnisse

Attach the language certificates that you have. Again, please learn German until at least the C1 level. It is not hard. Here are our tips for doctors for learning German: link.

• Can I send my application to find a job per post?

Nowadays, many hospitals request the documents to be exclusively sent online (either per email or through a specail page in their website). If the hospital requested an applicaiton per post, then certainly do that.

If it was optional how you can send your application, some suggest that sending the application per post is more personal. and If you want definitely a certain position in a certain hospital then do that. Maybe you can call the secretary of the head of the department and ask for their opinion.

• Invitation to interview

If the hospital/clinic is interested in your application, then they will call you or send you an email inviting you to a an interview (🇩🇪 das Vorstellungsgesrpcäh). Herzlichen Glückwunsch 🥳🥳🥳 Here are our tips for a very successful job interview:

We put link to many valuable articles in the step number 10 of the 10 steps of medical residency in Germany. Link.

• This article was written with a help from Mr. Teddy Kabel, admin of the second largest English group for foreign doctors in Germany. Vielen Dank 🙂

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