The Logbook (das Logbuch): Content of each medical residency (die Facharztausbildung)

• The logbook: What should be done in each medical residency

What should be done in each medical specialty is written in something called the “logbook” (🇩🇪 das Logbuch). What skills need to be learned and things to be done in each medical specialty should be written in the logbook. These logbooks contain usually 5-10 pages and are published by each of the 17 medical associations (🇩🇪 die Ärztekammer) in Germany

For example, for neurology, this is a part of the logbook:

The numbers of tests be done or findings to be written of an examination:
EEG: 200/ EMG: 100/ MEP, SSEP…: 200/ ENG: 100… Doppler: 200…
(Source: copied from the document mentioned in the next section)

In surgical specialties, the log book would mention, among other things, how many operations should be done (e. g. 50 appendectomies, 30 cholecystectomies, etc.).

But who publishes the logbook?

• The German Medical Associtation (Die Bundesärztekammer)

They publish in their website a document as a PDF file containing all the details about each specialty. The document is called:

🇺🇸 (Model-)training regulations

The most recent version is from 2018. You can download it from this link.

As the name of the above documents says, this is a model version. Germany has 16 states but 17 medical associations (because the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has two medical associations). Each one of these 17 medical association have a slightly modified version of the model version above.

• Finding the training regulations from each medical association

Simply google for: “Weiterbildungsordnung NAME-OF-SPECIALTY in NAME-OF-MEDICAL-ASSOCIATION” (e. g. “Weiterbildungsordnung Neurologie in Ärztekammer Berlin“)

• What does the (Muster-)Weiterbildungsordnung dictate?

It dictates:

(1) The log book (= what needs to be done/learnt)

(2) Duration of the residency period (🇩🇪 die Facharztausbildung)

(3) Which rotations are needed and could be recognized (for example, to be a neurologist, you need at least a rotation of 1 year in psychiatry. Or to be a general surgeon, you need to have done 18 months of training in “orthopedics and trauma surgery” and six months in an intensive care unit)

Example: Duration and rotations for general surgery (Source: (Muster-)Weiterbildungsordnung von 2018)

• Related articles

In other articles, we wrote the durations of all medical residencies in Germany (🇩🇪 die Facharztausbildung) and what could cause delays in your finishing your residency on time:

• 🇩🇪 Durations of the residency programs in Germany (🇩🇪 die Dauer der Facharztausbildung)

• 🇩🇪 Doctors: Factors that could increase your residency period (🇩🇪 die Facharztausbildung) in Germany

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