• What is networking?
It means having connections in your job or areas of interests. In some big German congresses, an important part of the event is a “networking event” in which the participants gather in the evening in a restaurant, big hall or bar and where they can casually talk and get to know each other.
• Why are connections critical, and how do we make connections with doctors in Germany?
We explained the above two questions in the following article: link.
• Before coming to Germany, how do you make connections through Facharzt JETZT?
Detailed article.
• Let us connect! Post links to your profiles in professional social networks!
Are you on Xing and Linked In?
I also get a lot of job offers there, learn about further training and have made some interesting contacts over the years. If you are interested, we can add each other there and everyone can significantly expand their network.
If you want to participate, post links for your profiles in the comments section to the following Facebook post in our main Facebook group. This means that all other members can send you a contact request.
I’m starting. Feel free to add me (the links are also in the Facebook post mentioned above):
• LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jameelhijazeen
• Xing: www.xing.com/profile/Jameel_Hijazeen
Want to learn more? Questions?
Join JETZT (🇺🇸 now) all of our groups & ask what you like
(On mobile phone: The links are at the end of this page/ On PC: On the right side)