• Introduction
An interesting method to learn German is through hearing songs.
• You can make the learning interesting
It is an easy task to listen to a good song. How about learning German while doing that?
In all languages, there are songs with a text that is easy to understand and that makes sense. In German too! 🥳😊📚
• For beginners: Children songs
For beginners, start with songs for children. Often contain the videos the text of these songs.
Example: Link to YouTube search for “Kinderlieder mit Text” (English: children songs with text)
The following video contains a collection of many children’s songs:
A song I like (The words are easy to understand):
• Listen to the best songs and save what you like
What you could do is simply listen to the top German songs in the charts. Search for example on YouTube for keywords like:
- Best German songs
- Best German songs of all time
- Top charts Germany: But not few songs are in English. Today, the 06.05.2023, I searched for “top charts Germany” and I found this video including the best 40 songs in the charts for May 2023)
Each person might find different songs beautiful. Simply save the songs you find appealing in a YouTube playlist. Or you can without legal problems download videos from YouTube or convert them to MP3 files for personal use. There are many websites that do that for free.
Be careful: Downloading torrent files is an extreme problem. The fine for downloading a film is about 800 Euro. Moreover, publishing copyrighted material is also punishable (for example, uploading files)
• Video including parts of the best German songs since 2010
We recommend the following video, including the most important part of tens of songs in German:
• Make learning more effective
- Some YouTube songs allow you to turn on the subtitles function (🇩🇪 die Untertitel).
- Some websites show you the German texts of the songs along with the English translation. Simply google for:
“NAME-OF-SONG song text with english translation”.
Google search results for “Sowieso song text and English translation“ (the song is called in German 🇩🇪 sowieso; a nice and motivational song by a famous German singer called Mark Forster)
– Video of the song on YouTube: link
– Here is a website with the song text and English translation: Link
- Some people publish the songs with English translation on YouTube. Simply search for the name of the song and then write “with English translation” or “with lyrics” (Example: search results for sowieso song with English translation). One of the videso that appear:
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