What would be tested in a German B2 exam?

• Firstly, where should I take this exam?

We recommend taking the exam in a Goethe-Institut (more details about these institutes are here).

Telc Institute is a good alternative. It is a private school and their certificates are well respected.

• What would be tested in the exam?

Regardless of where you are going to take the exam (Goethe, Telc, etc.), the exam usually consists of the following parts:

Reading (🇩🇪 das Lesen)
Listening (🇩🇪 das Hören)
Writing (🇩🇪 das Schreiben)
Speaking (🇩🇪 das Sprechen)

In the following page of Goethe Institute, you can find the questions of a real B2 exam (including an audio file for the listening part). At the end of the file are the correct answers:

Source: https://www.goethe.de/de/spr/kup/prf/prf/gb2/ue9.html

• Are you fit enough for the B2 exam? Test yourself for free!

Article: “🇩🇪 What would be tested in a German B2 exam?

• What is your German level? Test yourself for free!

Article: “🇩🇪 A placement test (🇩🇪 der Einstufungstest) for the German language for free

How should you learn for the exam and generally the German language?

Article: “🇩🇪 Sources to learn German for foreign doctors going to Germany

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