• Firstly, how much are the living costs for a single person or a family of four in Germany?
If you google this, you could find that the answer is for:
– Single person: between 900-1500 Euros (Google search results for: “living costs for a single person“
– Family: 2200-3500 Euro (Google search results “living costs for a family of four in germany“). But these numbers are probably not considering someone who wants to save money, do not want to buy a car and do want to live in a normal apartemnt away from the city center or in a small city/village. 3500 Euro per months is definiteyl exaggerated because in many jobs do people earn around 1500-1800 Euros per month as a net salary. Of course in such a case, they will get help for the government. Having a child would cause you in all cases to get extra about 230 Euro per child per month.
• How much do doctors earn?
– In hospitals: Link
– In clinics (but this is after the specialist level): http://facharztJETZT.de/which-doctors-in-clinics-earn-the-most-on-average-in-germany-here-is-the-answer-with-certainty-in-numbers/
• So the answer is
Definiteyl yes!
If doctors could not live a decent life, who could?
• Which jobs generate the highest income in Germany?
According to many studies, on average, doctors earn the most in Germany.
Articles to read about the topic (in German):
- “Die besten Gehälter: Bei welchen Berufen Sie das meiste Geld bekommen können“
- “Großer Gehaltsreport 2022: Welche Berufsgruppe in Deutschland am meisten verdient“
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