Direct links to forms & documents to apply for Approbation

Documents to apply for Approbation

• Introduction

In this article, we collected links to the forms and documents to apply for Approbation (German permanent medical license) on the websites of the 16 German medical license authorities (🇩🇪 Approbationsbehörden).

The forms to apply for the Approbation are in each of the 16 German Approbationsbehörden different than in the others.

On the other hand, the required documents to apply for Approbation are almost similar in all authorities. There are only slight differences between them. We explained the meaning of each document and how to get it in the following article:

🇩🇪 Required documents to apply for Approbation in Germany (2023)

Preparing documents to apply for Approbation in Germany is step number 5 of the 10 steps to start a medical residency in Germany.

(1) Baden-Württemberg (BW) (🇩🇪 same)

• Name of the responsible authority: Regierungspräsidium Baden-Württemberg

Documents to apply for Approbation in Baden-Württemberg (BW)

Non-EU/EFTA graduatesEU/EFTA graduates
Link to the required documentsLink
(see the screenshot above)
(see the screenshot above)

(2) Bavaria (🇩🇪 Bayern)

Ärzte mit nicht EU/EFTA-AbschlussFür Ärzte mit EU/EFTA-Abschluss
Name of the responsible authorityRegierung von OberbayernRegierung von Unterfranken
Link to the forms & documents to apply for ApprobationLink
(under the point: “Erforderliche Unterlagen”)
(under the point: “Erforderliche Unterlagen”)

(3) Berlin (🇩🇪 same)

• Name of the responsible authority: Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales

Non-EU/EFTA graduatesEU/EFTA graduates
Link to the forms & documents to apply for ApprobationLink
(There are also pages in English and Ukrainian)

(4) Brandenburg (🇩🇪 same)

• Name of the responsible authority: Landesamt für Arbeitsschutz, Verbraucherschutz und Gesundheit : Abteilung Gesundheit

Non-EU/EFTA graduatesEU/EFTA graduates
Link to the forms & documents to apply for ApprobationLink
(under the point “Ausbildung Drittland”, see the screenshot above)
Same Link as non-EU/ETA
(under the point “Ausbildung EU”, see the screenshot above)

(5) Bremen (🇩🇪 same)

• Name of the responsible authority: Die Senatorin für Gesundheit, Frauen und Verbraucherschutz

• Link to the forms & documents to apply for Approbation: Same as above for both EU and non-EU doctors

(6) Hamburg (🇩🇪 same)

• Name of the responsible authority: Landesprüfungsamt für Heilberufe – Bereich Humanmedizin

• Link to the forms & documents to apply for Approbation for doctors with foreign degrees (either EU/EFTA graduates or not): same as the links above. You can find the documents in the following part in the link:

Documents to apply for Approbation in Hamburg

(7) Hesse (🇩🇪 Hessen)

• Name of the responsible authority: Hessisches Landesprüfungs- und Untersuchungsamt im Gesundheitswesen

Link to the forms & documents to apply for Approbation. You can see the documents in the following part:

Documents to apply for Approbation in Hessen

(8) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MV) (🇩🇪 same)

• Name of the responsible authority: Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales

Link to the forms & documents to apply for Approbation for doctors with foreign degrees (either EU/EFTA graduates or not). You can find the documents in the following part in the link:

Documents to apply for Approbation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

(9) Lower Saxony (🇩🇪 Niedersachsen)

• Name of the responsible authority: Niedersächsischer Zweckverband zur Approbationserteilung

Link to the forms & documents to apply for Approbation for doctors with foreign degrees (either EU/EFTA graduates or not). You can find the documents in the following part in the link:

Documents to apply for Approbation in Niedersachsen

(10) North Rhine-Westphalia (🇩🇪 Nordrhein-Westfalen) (NRW)

• Name of the responsible authority: Zentrale Anerkennungsstelle für Gesundheitsberufe

Link to the forms & documents to apply for Approbation for doctors with foreign degrees (either EU/EFTA graduates or not). You can find the documents in the following part in the linked page:

Documents to apply for Approbation in Nordrhein-Westfalen

(11) Rheinland-Pfalz (RP) (🇩🇪 Rhineland-Palatinate)

• Name of the responsible authority: Landesamt für Soziales, Jugend und Versorgung

Link to forms & documents to apply for Approbation for doctors with foreign degrees (either EU/EFTA graduates or not). You can find the documents in the following part in the linked page:

Documents to apply for Approbation in Rheinland-Pfalz

(12) Saarland (🇩🇪 same)

• Name of the responsible authority: Zentralstelle für Gesundheitsberufe / Landesprüfungsamt

Link to the forms & documents to apply for Approbation for doctors with foreign degrees (either EU/EFTA graduates or not). You can find the documents in the following part in the linked page:

Documents to apply for Approbation in Saarland

(13) Sachsen (🇩🇪 Saxony)

• Name of the responsible authority: Die Landesdirektion Sachsen

Link to the forms & documents to apply for Approbation for doctors with foreign degrees (either EU/EFTA graduates or not). You can find the documents in the following part in the linked page:

(14) Saxony-Anhalt (🇩🇪 Sachsen-Anhalt) (SA)

• Name of the responsible authority: Landesprüfungsamt für Gesundheitsberufe

Link to the forms & documents to apply for Approbation for doctors with foreign degrees (either EU/EFTA graduates or not). You can find the documents in the following part in the linked page:

Documents to apply for Approbation in Sachsen-Anhalt

(15) Schleswig-Holstein (SH) (🇩🇪 same)

• Name of the responsible authority: Landesamt für soziale Dienste

Link to the forms & documents to apply for Approbation for doctors with foreign degrees (either EU/EFTA graduates or not). You can find the documents in the following part in the linked page:

Documents to apply for Approbation in Schleswig-Holstein

(16) Thuringia (🇩🇪 Thüringen)

• Name der zuständigen Behörde: Landesverwaltungsamt (TLVwA) – Akademische Heilberufe, Approbationserteilung

• Link to the forms & documents to apply for Approbation for doctors with foreign degrees (either EU/EFTA graduates or not):

  1. First link
  2. Second link

• In which of the 16 medical license authorities to apply for the Approbation?

This is a complicated question to answer. We tried to answer it in the following article:

🇩🇪 Where to apply for approbation: Advantages & disadvantages of each German state

• Forms & documents to apply for Approbation: Feedback?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask in the main group of Facharzt JETZT on Facebook and Telegram. Welcome to the community.

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(On mobile phone: The links are at the end of this page/ On PC: On the right side)


  1. The link for the State of Thuringia is not showing the required documents.

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