• What is this exam?
• Preparation for this exam
To prepare for the German medical language exam (🇩🇪 die Fachspracheprüfung – FSP):
1. Join our Telegram group: https://t.me/fspJETZT
2. Follow our main group on Facebook, where questions in German are posted and discussions in German take place (Link to the group). If you did not understand certain words, you can comment and ask. Moreover, you would be reading topics and questions realted to issues that face doctors coming to and working in Germany.
2. Follow our page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/fspJETZT. Examples of the posts from Facebook:

Want to learn more? Questions?
Join JETZT (🇺🇸 now) all of our groups & ask what you like
(On mobile phone: The links are at the end of this page/ On PC: On the right side)