• What is the residence registration (die Anmeldung)?
If you want to stay in Germany for a long time, and you have now a fixed living place (e.g., you rented an apartment/room in an apartment, or you are allowed to live with relatives or friends), then you MUST register your living address in the city council (🇩🇪 das Rathaus). In German, this registration of the residence place is called “🇩🇪 die Anmeldung”.
After doing that you get a simple A4 paper and this is called a “proof of residence” or a “registration certificate” (🇩🇪die Meldebescheinigung).
• What can I use the Anmeldung/Meldebescheinigung for?
- This is important for you if you want to receive and send mail
- Opening a bank account
- Buying a mobile phone or internet contract
- Getting a tax number (without it, you cannot work)
• The broadcasting fee (der Rundfunkbeitrag)
This is a monthly fee paid by each household (e.g., apartment, house) to support public broadcasting (TV/Radio). Unfortunately, you must pay this fee from the date in which you make the residence registration.
In 2023, the fee is currently 18.36 euros. But the good news is, if many people live in the same household, then only one of them needs to pay this fee. Others could then use this registration number to get an exemption (🇩🇪 eine Befreiung). Of course, all can divide the fee money among them.
• Can I make a registration (die Anmeldung) before coming to Germany?
No, because this needs to be done in person (= you need to go yourself and register).
(Sure answer. No exeptions)
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Sorry, not experienced about nonmedical fields. You can ask in our main Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/arabische