Night shifts are strictly regulated through the law. Nowadays, doctors are allowed a maximum number of working hours and extra shifts. We explained this in the following article: “🇩🇪 Doctors in Germany: Work-life balance“.
• I want zero night shifts!
Nonetheless, if you want a specialty without night shifts, there are many:
• Family medicine (🇩🇪 Allgemeinmedizin)*
• Pathologie
• Arbeitsmedizin*
• Humangenetik
• Klinische Pharmakologie
• Nuklearmedizin
• Rechtsmedizin
*A part of the residency could be done in a hospital in specialties like internal medicine and general surgery, you might be then during this period be required to do some night shifts. But generally, such a period of your residency is for a few months or maximally 1 to 2 years.
• Having your own clinic
After the residency period, if you chose to work in a clinic, then you do NOT need night shifts any longer. You will even earn more money. This article explains how much: Link.
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