The Medical Knowledge Exam (die Kenntnisprüfung – KP)


• Translations – Kenntnisprüfung

🇩🇪 Kenntnisprüfung (KP), die🇺🇸 Medical Knowledge Exam🇯🇴 امتحان الكنتنيسه (امتحان المعرفة الطبية)

If you have the slightest doubt about a certain point or do not understand any information, ask at any time in the main group of our community “Facharzt JETZT” on Facebook and Telegram (groups will appear as a folder). We remind you that this article is a guidance article to help you understand things and you should not rely solely on it. You should always return to the official websites. 😊

What is the Kenntnisprüfung?

It tests general medical knowledge. Mostly, it is not a hard exam. In all German states, the main part of the exam is an oral part. But in some approbation authorities, it has a practical part (taking history and doing physical examination). What is sure, though, in no authority, there are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) or that you need to write essay answers to medical questions.

Mostly you will be tested in internal medicine and surgery. Each medical license authority has its own rules and topics for the exam.

Who should do this exam?

🇩🇪 Which doctors need to do a medical knowledge exam (🇩🇪 eine Kenntnisprüfung) in Germany in order to get the medical license (🇩🇪 die Approbation)?

• As non-EU/EFTA graduate, can you avoid this exam?

Yes, it is possible:

Gleichwertigkeit: Avoiding a medical knowledge exam (Kenntnisprüfung) for doctors who studied in non-EU/EFTA countries

• Where is it easy to take the exam? Is the exam of equal hardness in all 16 medical license authorities?

Hardest 😭Middle 😊Easiest 😍
Münster (North Rhine-Westphalia)Lower Saxony (🇩🇪 Niedersachsen) (rather easy)Bavaria
Hesse (Hessen)

But the question is not that easy. Please read more details in the following article:

Where to apply for approbation: Advantages & disadvantages of each German state

• Compared to the USMLE, PLAB/UKMLE, MCCQE, AMC, etc. How hard is the exam?

Certainly, it is much easier than all of them. It is an oral exam, and you only need to pass it. In one medical license authority (Münster), it is the hardest. However, it is still a clinical and oral exam, and you do not need to study the basic sciences again! Moreover, you do not need to know the details. The main goal of the exam is to find that you understand the general outline of diagnosing and treating common diseases. Moreover, you need to know a little bit about the German health system.

• Real exams: See yourself how hard

Read real reports of the exam from the largest website in the world for exam reports:

You can find the reports under this link.

You can also find real exam reports in Telegram groups. To know how to find these groups, continue reading to the part of this article about preparation for the exam.

• How many times can I fail the exam?

The medical language exam can be failed and repeated indefinitely. 😂 For the sake of comparison, the Knowledge exam could be only failed up to three times. After the third attempt, you will be no longer allowed to repeat it or work as a medical doctor in Germany. This is seldom. If this happened, do not worry, there are other possible job options for you:

🇩🇪 Jobs other than in hospitals and clinics for doctors in Germany

• How much does the exam cost?

It differs based on the medical license authority, but is around 300–800 euros.

• What do I need to study?


We will publish more in the future, but simply look for a good book on Amazon for internal medicine and surgery, as they are often tested in the exam.

Summaries in telegram groups

Doctors post in many Telegram groups summaries of this exam. Simply search in Telegram for “Kenntnisseprüfung” or “KP”. An example is this group for the German state of Bavaria (Bayern):

Online resources

(1) Amboss

Many suggest using the German website Amboss. It is a great resource and is written in a concise way and simple language. Moreover, you can use it in your daily work (Diagnostics, doses of medications, side effects of medications, differential diagnosis, physical examination, history taking).

It is not free but is not that much expensive. You can deduct the money from taxes. But see first if your hospital does have a subscription. Many hospitals nowadays have one.

(2) DocCheck

This is a free German website. It is free. What is great about it, it explains the thing concisely and precisely. They have an app too.

– Courses

There are many institutes that offer courses for the medical knowledge exam. Simply google this: Link to Google search results.

There are some recorded online courses for the Medical Knowledge Exam. A very well-prepared one where you can start learning from outside Germany at your own pace and a relatively cheap one is from a German company called MEDDEOnline. What is good about this subscription too is that it is for one whole year. 🥳 Below is an example Video.

Followers of Facharzt JETZT can get a 10% discount on all courses when they click first on this link and then use the following code: facharztJETZT10.

– – Do the courses for free

Yes, do not forget that you can do presence courses for free if you applied for funding. The whole details are in the following article.

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