Facharzt JETZT presents to you the most detailed and comprehensive questions and answers list for becoming a medical doctor in Germany and starting a medical residency in Germany.
We wrote the information as questions and answers and divided the questions into groups (e.g., travel, required documents, job interviews, etc.). We answered each question briefly, and for a detailed answer, we provided a link to an article in English and Arabic.
• What is Facharzt JETZT?
What is Facharzt JETZT?
The name of our community means in German: “Specialist Now”. It includes >120 groups on Facebook and Telegram for everything related to work and medical residency in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. We learn together and help each other. All content on our website and groups is free and will remain free.
For your general questions, interactive learning, and the latest updates, join now (🇩🇪 JETZT) through the following link all Telegram groups of “Facharzt JETZT”. Also, join now our main Facebook group.
Links to all groups on Facebook and Telegram by specialty: Link.
• Steps to start a medical residency in Germany
What are the steps to start a medical residency in Germany?
We present to you one of the most important articles on the site. Through ten simplified steps, we explained the steps for obtaining a German permanent medical license, or the so-called (🇩🇪 Approbation), and how to start a medical residency in Germany and earn money.
• Are you thinking about coming to Germany?
What is the difference between medical specialization and working as a doctor between Germany and the USA? Which country is the best one?
There are big differences between medical specialization and working as a doctor in Germany and America, especially the need to learn a new language, the possibility of obtaining rare specialties, and income. What is also certain is that which “country” is better depends on your life goals and what you like or dislike (For example, learning a new language 😅). Therefore, the answer is individual, and you can determine that for yourself after reading our article on this topic.
What is the difference between medical specialization and working as a doctor between Germany, America, Britain, Canada, and Australia?
There are big differences, which we explain using a simple table.
Link to a detailed article in: English.
I heard that Germany does not need more doctors and that I will not find a job in Germany. Is that true?
I am a neurologist, and I learned about the possibility of specialization in Germany exactly in the first month after I graduated from medical school in 2013. This question was always repeated in 2013 and throughout all the past years, in many forms. The short answer to this question is: the shortage still exists and it is huge!
How many years of medical residency in Germany?
What medical specialties are available in Germany?
There are more than 45 medical specialties in Germany, and we have a Facebook group for each of them, and most of them also have a Telegram group. 😊 For more information about the names of these specializations and the duration of specialization in them.
How much time do I need to obtain German permanent medical license (die Approbation)?
The answer depends mainly on the country and university in which you studied medicine (and not on your nationality), as this will determine whether you will obtain Gleichwertigkeit and avoid the Medical Knowledge Exam.
Link to a detailed article in: English.
How much money do I need to spend before I receive my first salary as a doctor in Germany?
Is there a maximum age at which a doctor may work in Germany? No!
No! Since 2010, age has no longer played a role due to the shortage of doctors and many lawsuits. References: link.
• Important and common terms related to work in Germany
I cannot understand the discussions taking place in groups about Germany, because the participants write German words. Do you have a translation for these words?
• Gleich/recognition of my degree, required documents, and application for (🇩🇪 Approbation)
What are the required documents to apply for Approbation in Germany?
We summarized it in the most detailed article on the Internet. Please pay attention to all the details mentioned (for example, the issue of the validity of documents, authentication, and translation). It is preferable to ask more than once in our main group on Facebook in case you do not understand any point, as any mistake in the documents may destroy your chances of working in Germany, or delay your request for months or years. You must also read the instructions on the websites of the Approbation authorities, and they are the instructions that you must use in the end, regardless of what Facharzt JETZT or any website in the world tells you.
Do I have to translate all my documents? Where should I translate them? And what should I pay attention to during translation?
We wrote this in the tables in the article required documents to apply for Approbation in Germany. The answers to the rest of the questions are long and therefore are written in a separate article.
Do I need documents such as a university certificate authenticated before coming to Germany? What does it mean to attest documents, and where should I do it?
There is a common mistake that the legalization of a lawyer (🇩🇪 der Notar) in Germany replaces the legalization of the German embassy or the apostille stamp (countries of the former Soviet Union). This article on the Facharzt JETZT website explains what legalization is and when you should obtain it from either of the two places mentioned above or just make “certified copies” in Germany (which does not mean authenticating the original documents themselves). Authentication is never wrong.
If you are not sure whether a particular document should be authenticated or not, do so because authentication is never a mistake. But lack of certification can cause major problems and a delay in your application for months will almost certainly lead to not obtaining a Gleich (if that is possible for graduates of your university). Documents “can” only be accepted with the attestation of the relevant ministries in the country of issuance of these documents without the attestation of the German embassy in that country or the apostille stamp. But to apply for Gleich, the documents must be certified, otherwise you cannot apply for it.
What is a Gleich (gleich oder die Gleichwertigkeit)?
The translation of the word is symmetry or equality, and in the context of foreign doctors applying for a permanent medical license in Germany, the word “Gleich” means that after studying (🇩🇪 Die Gleichwertigkeitsprüfung) the study plan (🇩🇪 der Curriculum) and the practical experiences of the foreign doctor who applied for permanent medical license study in Germany (🇩🇪 die Approbation). So it has been found that it is similar to what medical students study in Germany. Therefore, a doctor’s bachelor’s degree is considered “similar” to German graduates. In this case, the doctor only needs to take Fachsprachenprüfung (FSP) – The Medical Language Exam and is exempt. One of the exams that requires a long preparation period is the Medical Knowledge Exam (die Kenntnisprüfung – KP).
link to a detailed article in: Arabic.
In which authority can I apply for a permanent medical license in Germany?
How do I know if my university degree will be recognized in Germany?
If your university degree is recognized, this means that you will receive a Gleich (detailed article). Obtaining the medical license/gleich depends on your country and the university where you studied medicine, not on your nationality. To know whether your university degree will be recognized, we created a small algorithm for that.
What is the importance of work certificates in Germany?
If you have worked outside Germany after the internship year, you must obtain work certificates. The importance of work certificates in Germany:
(1) Recognition of university studies (die Gleichwertigkeit).
(2) Applying for a job or medical training.
(3) Get a higher salary.
(4) Reducing the number of years of specialization/residence Facharztausbildung.
• Conditions for applying for appropriation and obtaining it
Is an internship year necessary to work in Germany? What is the internship year basically?
The internship year is the year of training after graduating from medical school. So it is necessary for your medical degree to be recognized, and there is no exception. It must be done either in your home country or the country of study of medicine. Its duration must also be at least 12 months.
link to a detailed article in: Arabic and English.
We wrote this detailed article for Ukrainian graduates without an internship year in: Arabic and English.
Is it possible to do an internship year in Germany?
Yes, part of it can be done in Germany, but you must know a very important thing, which is that the most important point is for your country to recognize these months/years. We wrote all the details about this, in addition to the pros and cons of working for an internship in Germany.
Link to a detailed article in: Arabic.
Is the internship year considered a year of experience through which you can obtain a higher salary in Germany? Yes, but not in all medical chambers (Ärztekammer).
Link to a detailed article in: Arabic.
What is the difference between Approbation vs Berufserlaubnis?
In the event of not obtaining Gleich (non-recognition of a medical school certificate), it is possible to obtain a temporary medical license until taking the medical knowledge exam (die Kenntnisprüfung), and to obtain a permanent medical license (die Approbation). However, there are big differences between permanent and temporary medical licenses.
• Exams required for medical license
What exams are required of me to equate my university degree and begin the medical specialty in Germany?
What is the Medical Language Exam – Fachsprachenprüfung (FSP)?
Simply put, it is an exam aimed at testing the foreign doctor’s linguistic knowledge of German medical words and his ability to take a medical history, talk to patients and deal with them, in addition to the ability to summarize the medical history using medical terminology.
How can I prepare to take the Medical Language Exam – Fachsprachenprüfung (FSP)?
You can through a language institute, but there are now dozens of free online alternatives, and there are some doctors who prepare the exam from outside Germany and come directly to Germany to take it. You can also do that. how?
For further information:
– Article in English and Arabic.
– An article by Dr. Eid Abu Eid in: Arabic, about preparing for the exam in Dusseldorf, but the tips and books mentioned in the article can be used in all Approbation authorities.
– Article in Arabic about preparing for the exam by Dr. Eid Abu Eid in: Arabic.
What is the Medical Knowledge Exam (die Kenntnisprüfung – KP)?
It is an exam that tests your general medical knowledge, often only oral, but in some equivalency jurisdictions it has a practical part (taking a medical history and performing a physical examination), there are no multiple choice questions (MCQs).
Most of the exam is in internal medicine and surgery, and each medical licensing authority has its own rules and topics for the exam.
• Study in Germany as an alternative to medical specialization
Can doctors choose the academic path and obtain a master’s degree and doctorate degree in Germany?
• Traveling to Germany:
– Travel visa for medical license in Germany
What are the types of visas to come to Germany?
How can I bring my wife and children with me to Germany?
You should pass the exams required of you and start working as a doctor because in this case, you can bring your wife and all your children without the need for a closed bank account for each of them (the value of the closed bank account for the husband/wife is more than 12 thousand euros, and the value for the children is the same).
Most immigration authorities require that you have completed the probationary period (which is the first six months of any employment contract in Germany). But there is good news. If you prove your presence in the hospital, you can ask the head of the department after two months to agree for you to end the training period so that you can bring your wife and children.
Link to a detailed article in: Arabic.
What documents are required for a long-term visa?
What is a financial guarantee or bank guarantee and what are its conditions?
– Closed bank account (Sperrkonto)
What is a closed bank account (das Sperrkonto)?
A closed bank account is an amount required by foreigners offices in Germany to prove that the doctor can bear the costs of monthly expenses during the period of stay in Germany. The amount is deposited in a specific bank account, and this account is called the “closed bank account.”
What are the banks through which a closed bank account (das Sperrkonto) can be opened?
I would like to open an account at Fintiba Bank. Is there more information about that?
Opening a bank account is not easy.
Link to a detailed article in: Arabic.
I do not have sufficient funds for the closed bank account. Can a closed bank account be avoided? Yes, sometimes.
Link to a detailed article in: Arabic.
– Hospitation/ medical training towards medical specialization in Germany
What is Hospitation?
It is a training period in the hospital for students or graduates of medical schools. Training can be for one month or up to months. The training period is usually free. But in some cases, you get free accommodation (or for a small price of money). One of the many benefits of Hospitation is obtaining a visa.
How can I get Hospitation?
Is Hospitation absolutely necessary to pass the medical language exam?
Of course not! It is a positive thing, but not very important. You can practice the German language through Telegram groups and have online discussions. Join the Simulation group in the medical language exam group from Facharzt JETZT: link. Obtaining a Hospitation without acquaintances is difficult and expensive. For more ideas, read this beautiful article from Dr. Eid Abu Eid.
Link to a detailed article in: Arabic.
• Job application and interviews
How can I find and apply for job offers to start and work in the medical specialty period in Germany? What should I write in job application emails? What documents should I attach to my email?
If I have a job interview in Germany (Vorstellungsgespräch), how do I travel to the hospital? What should I wear? What exactly happens in the interview? What are the hospital’s goals for the interview?
What are the most common interview questions for doctors in Germany?
Do you have a free CV template in German that meets the requirements of the German authorities? What are the common mistakes in writing a CV?
Is there anyone who can help me get a job as a doctor in Germany?
Many hospitals are looking for doctors who have or are close to obtaining their Approbation, and they are looking for talented individuals like you! Why waste your time and money researching and conducting numerous interviews? 🤔
We are here to make things easier for you! All you have to do is fill out the following form or contact us, and you will get the job you dream of with the specifications that suit you. So we cooperated with a German recruitment company. And we know what most Arab doctors seek in their dream job.
Advantages of obtaining work through our website:
– We search for the job for you with the specifications you desire.
– Save time and effort searching for jobs.
– Saving money that you may spend on self-research and travel trips for interviews.
➡️ Fill out the form now: Click here.
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• After getting a job in Germany
• Financial and work matters before obtaining Approbation
Can I work before obtaining medical license? Can you explain to me what a mini-job is?
• Learn the German language
For doctors and medical specialties: How do I learn German quickly?
More important than studying to learn a new language, is to understand how humans learn a new language and through that, you can learn languages in a faster and more effective way. There is a lot of research and experience on the topic. First, learn how to learn. 😊💡 Learn smart, not too much. 🧠
Are there free resources for learning German?
Yes, there are a lot of them. There are even experiences of some people who were able to learn new languages without a teacher. So, with technology and the presence of many influencers on social networks and German government authorities that provide learning the German language, the topic is very easy. We recommend a combination of learning through a language school and most importantly self-learning.
How much time do I need to learn German?
The period depends on several factors, the most important of which are: the number of hours of your daily studies, if you are ready to change your lifestyle to learn the German language not only in the language school, and if you are fluent in the English language.
Can learning German be made fun?
Certainly. For example, you can watch movies and news in German. Listening to songs and reading their translated texts can also make learning fun
link to a detailed article in: Arabic and English.
After you arrive to Germany, There are many sources for learning.
link to a detailed article in: Arabic and English.
Through free nature walking activities, you can also learn the German language.
Link to a detailed article in: English.
Is learning German easy or difficult?
In a detailed article, we explain the reasons and factors that make learning the German language easy and the reasons that make learning it difficult. Taking all these reasons and factors into consideration, we believe that learning German for an English speaker is easy. For those who speak a little English, learning German is certainly easier than learning a language like Chinese or Greek.
• Important articles about life in Germany
Do you have tips on how to find housing in Germany?
Finding housing in Germany is not easy, but it is certainly not as difficult as finding housing in New York or Hong Kong. We offer you many tips to find housing quickly.
Link to a detailed article in: Arabic.
What is an Anmeldung (Residence Registration) (Die Anmeldung)?
Everyone living in Germany must officially register their residence. Plus you can’t do many things without it.
Link to a detailed article in: Arabic.
• After obtaining the German Board (Facharzt JETZT)
Which countries recognize the German Board and you can work directly there and at what rank?
The German Board is recognized in all countries of the European Union and the European Common Market (such as Switzerland and Norway). You can also work in Britain and the United Kingdom in general. You can also work in the Arab Gulf countries without any exams.
In the Arab Gulf countries, you will most likely be recognized as a consultant after 3 years of experience working as a specialist in Germany.
The German Board is not recognized in Canada and America, and equivalency exams must be taken in these countries from the beginning.
The German Board can be equivalent in Australia and New Zealand.
Link to a detailed article in: English.
What is the way to modify the German Board to work in Britain and the United Kingdom in general?
You just need to pass the OET (Occupational English Test) and a set of documents. The steps are easy.
Link to a detailed article in: English.
• Dozens of other articles about medical specialization in Germany
We have many other articles about medical specialization in Germany for you, and you can access them here in: Arabic and English.