🇩🇪 Recent articles: Germany

In this page you can find the recent 50 articles in English related to working and studying in Germany.

  • Foreign doctors in Germany: How to begin a medical residency
    • Introduction – Foreign doctors in Germany Welcome to our community, “Facharzt JETZT!” (🇺🇸 specialist now). 🙂 We learn together and help each other. In this article, we collected links to the most important articles on our website for foreign doctors in Germany wanting to work or study there. To help foreign doctors in Germany, […]
  • Approbation for foreign medical graduates from China, Georgia, the Philippines, and Ukraine
    • Introduction Foreign graduates from China, Georgia and the Phillippines have a huge difficulty getting their medical degrees recognized in Germany. We explain you here why. The issue of graduates from the Ukraine is explained in the following article. The term Approbation is German word which means a permanent medical license to practice medicine in […]
  • FAQ – Become a doctor in Germany
    Facharzt JETZT presents to you the most detailed and comprehensive questions and answers list for becoming a medical doctor in Germany and starting a medical residency in Germany. We wrote the information as questions and answers and divided the questions into groups (e.g., travel, required documents, job interviews, etc.). We answered each question briefly, and […]
  • Gleichwertigkeit: Avoiding a medical knowledge exam (Kenntnisprüfung) for doctors who studied in non-EU/EFTA countries
    • Introduction about Gleichwertigkeit This article explains how to directly get the Approbation after doing the Fachsprachenprüfung in Germany = Getting “Gleichwertigkeit”. • What is the Kenntnisprüfung? All foreign medical doctors who want to work in Germany as doctors (= get a German permanent medical license – die Approbation) need to do a medical language […]
  • The Skilled Immigration Law (Das Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz)
    • Introduction to the skilled immigration law There is a growing demand in many advanced nations to enhance their appeal to skilled workers to address workforce shortages. This necessity drives countries to revise their existing laws to facilitate the entry of skilled workers globally, and Germany is no different. The upcoming skilled immigration law offers […]
  • Rumour: Germany has no jobs for doctors any longer
    • Introduction jobs for doctors Are there jobs for doctors, I graduated from medical school in June 2013 and am a neuroscientist. In the first month, I discovered the possibilities of a medical speciality in Germany. There weren’t many Jordanian or foreign doctors in Germany at the time. In many various formats. questions like this […]
  • 🇩🇪 For doctors: How long does it take to learn the German language?
    • What do you mean by “learn a language”? There are many levels of language. People do not even speak their mother language perfectly. Some did a Ph.D. in your mother language, are you better than them in grammar and pronunciation? Probably not. The European languages are divided into many levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, […]
  • 🇩🇪 Specializing in Oral and maxillofacial surgery (Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie – MKG) 🦷
    • MKG is an unusual specialty This specialty is particular in Germany because this is the only specialty in which doctors need to finish another bachelor degree in order to specialize in it. • You need to finish bachelor degrees in two specialties • Medicine The duration depends on where you studied medicine. If you […]
  • 🇩🇪 The Logbook (🇩🇪 das Logbuch): Content of each medical residency (🇩🇪 die Facharztausbildung)
    • The logbook: What should be done in each medical residency What should be done in each medical specialty is written in something called the “logbook” (🇩🇪 das Logbuch). What skills need to be learned and things to be done in each medical specialty should be written in the logbook. These logbooks contain usually 5-10 […]
  • 🇩🇪 Gaps in CV of doctors in Germany: Big problem? No!
    • Introduction We received many questions in our Facebook group regarding gaps in the CV. • Is gap a bad thing for your CV in Germany? Certainly, it is not a good thing. But in Germany, because of the shortage of doctors, many small and isolated hospitals would be happy to hire doctors; regardless if […]
  • List of medical faculties in Germany
    • Universities in Germany Germany has around 400 universities. However, there are only ca. 39* medical faculties in Germany. Only two of these 39 medical faculties are in private universities. During the application for a job (Article: How?), you might be interested in applying for one of the 39 medical faculties in Germany. So, we […]
  • Standortvermerk (the location note)
    • Introduction This article explains the Standortvermerk, which is German for “location note”. This term probably means nothing in English. However, in German, this term means one of the methods a foreign doctor can use to prove that he is interested in working in a particular German state. Hence, he can apply for a German […]
  • 🇩🇪 Scholarships in Germany through the DAAD and KAAD
    Introduction In another article, we explained everything related to doing a Master’s or PhD programm in Germany. In this article, we explain how to get a scholarship to achieve this goal. You can get scholarships to continue your master and PhD studies in Germany from: • The DAAD This organisation is German and called the […]
  • 🇩🇪 Earning money as a (medical) university student in Germany
    • Can you earn money as a university student in Germany? Yes, regardless what you are studing and in which semester/year you are • The following is a beautiful article on how to do that: Nine ways to earn money in Germany as a student Want to learn more? Questions?Join JETZT (🇺🇸 now) all of […]
  • Funding to foreign doctors: For free
    • Introduction The German government provides through many agencies funding to foreign doctors and jobseekers. The funding is for many things related to getting a recognition of medical studies and starting working. Some doctors received grants of around 5,000 euros (and some more). 😅💶🤑 Of course, this financing is free, and you don’t have to […]
  • 🇩🇪 Residence registration (🇩🇪 die Anmeldung)
    • What is the residence registration (die Anmeldung)? If you want to stay in Germany for a long time, and you have now a fixed living place (e.g., you rented an apartment/room in an apartment, or you are allowed to live with relatives or friends), then you MUST register your living address in the city […]
  • 🇩🇪 Find officially recognized translators in Germany. It is very important who translates your documents!
    • Why is the translation important? Be careful not to allow anyone to translate your documents. If there is a mistake in the translation or if a translator did the translation and he is not recognised in Germany (or from the German Embassy in your home country), this will cause you to lose a lot […]
  • Jameel (Jimmy) Hijazeen
    • Facebook: www.Facebook.com/Jam.Hijazeen• Xing: www.xing.com/profile/Jameel_Hijazeen• ‎LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jameelhijazeen/• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimmy.hier• Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ex8KPtoAAAAJ• Webseite: www.FacharztJETZT.de• YouTube – FacharztJETZT: www.youtube.com/@neurologisch

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